CATERPILLAR 660B scrapers being push loaded by CAT D10N pushcat’s

660B scrapers, which were first introduced by Caterpillar in 1974 and have become indispensable for large-scale landscaping projects today, make work in the field much easier with their 41.3 m³ capacity.


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The most important feature of the Caterpillar 660B Scraper is that it both scrapes the ground and stores it in its own case at once. Thus, it offers the ability to do the work of two work machines alone. Even though the scraper has a 410 kW powerful engine, sometimes things can get difficult when the ground structure is very hard. In such cases, bulldozers such as CAT D10N, which are used in other environmental landscaping, provide support by pushing from behind.


660B scraper
660B scraper
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